- intestines
- Intestines tenves, Lactes plurali numero.
Thresor de la langue françoyse. Jean Nicot.
Thresor de la langue françoyse. Jean Nicot.
intestines — bowels, 1590s, from L. intestina, neut. pl. of intestinus (adj.) internal, inward, intestine, from intus within, on the inside (see ENTO (Cf. ento )). Cf. Skt. antastyam, Gk. entosthia bowels. The O.E. word was hropp, lit. rope … Etymology dictionary
Intestines — Intestine In*tes tine, n.; pl. {Intestines}. [L. intestinum: cf. F. intestin. See {Intestine}, a.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Anat.) That part of the alimentary canal between the stomach and the anus. See Illust. of Digestive apparatus. [1913 Webster] 2 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
intestines — plural noun the intestines are used in pet foods Syn: gut, guts, entrails, viscera; informal insides, innards … Thesaurus of popular words
intestines — I (Roget s IV) pl.n. Syn. entrails, bowels, viscera, vitals, digestive organs, visceral parts, splanchnic parts, guts, innards*; see also abdomen , insides . Parts of the human intestine include: large intestine, colon, cecum, small intestine,… … English dictionary for students
intestines — n. system of internal canals in the lower abdomen in which food is digested in·tes·tine || ɪn testɪn n. one of two canals in the lower abdomen in which food is digested adj. internal (especially as pertaining to the inner affairs of a… … English contemporary dictionary
intestines — n. pl. Entrails, bowels, viscera, inwards, insides, guts … New dictionary of synonyms
intestines — Na au; na ana au (small); uha (large) … English-Hawaiian dictionary
intestines — n bowels, guts, entrails, insides, colon, offal, viscera, vitals COLLOQ. innards … Useful english dictionary
Vasa recta (intestines) — Infobox Artery Name = PAGENAME Latin = GraySubject = 248 GrayPage = 1175 Caption = Caption2 = BranchFrom = BranchTo = Vein = Supplies = MeshName = MeshNumber = DorlandsPre = DorlandsSuf = For the kidney structure, see vasa recta Vasa recta are… … Wikipedia
Guttys — intestines … Medieval glossary